Rise of the Village Hero - Update 5B 31st May

Hello everyone!


Thank you for your patience; here is the May update number 2! This update features a new area, bug fixes, and overall game improvements. I am excited to release this update.

 In the last update, I introduced the first level of Chapter 2—White Shallow. This area includes the town of White Shallow and its surrounding areas, such as farming regions. In this update, overall improvements have been made to the effects and level design. More enemies have been added. Currently, only a couple of quests are present, but expect more quests and dialogue to be added to this region, making it more worthwhile to explore. This area is perfect for introducing animals as enemies or simple NPCs, although I didn't manage to include them in this update.

 The second level is the first Underwater Cave, marking the second level of Chapter 2. The player needs to find the villagers who have been kidnapped by trolls, ideally before they are turned into dinner. This level is complete with props, and significant work has been done to make it unique and worth exploring. More props, quests, and dialogues will be added in future updates. Currently, the quest to save the villagers can be completed, but more unique NPCs will be added.

 Bug fixes and game improvements:

  •  One of the most annoying issues in combat was that projectiles could pass through walls, castles, houses, etc. This has now been fixed. I  am very happy about this because it means players can take a moment to strategize, heal, and then deal with the monsters.
  • All enemies have had their vision edited. This means that, in theory, no enemy should see the player character through a wall and start chasing them from a different room. Enemies will now only see the player if they step into the same room, rather than chasing from behind a thick wall.

This brings us to the end of this update. Adding a new level and improving the previous one has taken a lot longer than expected. I look forward to adding more to these two levels in the next update and removing the "From here on out there may be bugs" notice, moving it to the next level.


I hope to add the last two levels in the next updates in June and then focus on polishing Chapter 2 and other areas for a month or so. This would mean the game is halfway through development, which is a great milestone.


Quick recap: when the game launched in early access in January 2024, it included:


Chapter 1: Village up to Boss level (5 levels)

Interlink area between Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 (2 levels, not finished at the time)

This initially provided about 3.5 hours of content. Improvements over the last few months should make this longer. Since Update 5.A, Chapter 2 – White Shallow level has been added, and now with 5.B, Underwater Caves have been added to the build, bringing the total content to around 4-5 hours. Chapter 1 and interlink area to chapter 2 are fully completed.


Two more levels need to be added to Chapter 2 before finishing this chapter. Future content to be added includes:


Interlink area between Chapter 2 and Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Interlink area between Chapter 3 and Chapter 4

Final Chapter 4 – where the game’s story will come to fruition and final boss will be revealed.

 Thank you to everyone who has purchased the game or supported . I really appreciate it.


See you in the next update!

This is the same update as it is on Steam.

Steam post link: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2737960/Rise_of_the_Village_Hero/


Rise of the Village Hero Early Access Build Vs 5B Itchio.rar 278 MB
Jun 07, 2024

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