Rise of the Village Hero - Wynter is here... Chapter 3 added

Hey everyone!

Thank you so much for your patience! Since returning from my holiday on January 7th, I've been hard at work on finishing Chapter 3 and getting it added to the game. I'm thrilled to announce that Chapter 3 is now officially live! Ast the game will have four chapters that is really exciting as I am getting closer to 1.0.

Here’s a breakdown of what you can expect:

New Locations:

  • Wynter Town Outside Palisade: Reintroducing Edda and her son as NPCs, and concluding the Obsidian Talons storyline, assuming you’ve allied with the Amber Blades.
  • Wynter Town Inside Palisade: Here, you can explore inside the palisade, access most of the town's houses, and venture into the Poor Quarter, where 4 houses are explorable, as well as explore the Rich Quarter where, 2 rich houses, the tavern, and the church (which is locked at the start of the chapter).
  • Wynter Town Tavern Interior: This is where many survivors have taken refuge. If you’ve helped NPCs in previous quests (like the soldier in Warlington and the farmer), you'll see them return here. They’ll share how your actions impacted their lives and how they’ve paid it forward. I’m really happy about this because it brings a sense of continuity and impact to the story, even if not all actions have major consequences. As a solo developer, I try to create as many meaningful connections as I can.
  • Wynter Town Poor Quarter: This area, once home to farmers, reflects the harsh climate of Wynter, where only root vegetables like potatoes and carrots grow. The market square brings trade from other towns.
  • Wynter Town Rich Quarter: The mayor’s house, the church, the market square, and four rich houses (two of which are explorable) are here, including the tavern.
  • Wynter Town Church: The final scene of this chapter, where defeating the evil marks the completion of Chapter 3 – Part 4 Quest. From here, you can walk through the back of the church to access Long Road to Wynter, which was previously locked. This leads to the desert and eventually to the next gate toward Chapter 4 (Desma). Since Chapter 4 isn’t finished yet, you'll get a "Thank you for playing" message at the end, but stay tuned for updates!

New Additions:

  • Enemies: A variety of new enemies have been introduced, including the Glowing Spirit Monster, Spirit Monster, Evil God (the final boss for Chapter 3), and the Red Demon (mini-boss). Red skeletons make a return as well. Glowing and Spirit Monsters are already deployed, alongside the Red Skeletons and Evil God, while I’m still working on the Red Demon mini-boss.
  • New Equipment: The Skirtos Mercenary Equipment Set has been added in Chapter 3 (Part 3), and in Part 4, players can earn chest plates, greaves, and boots. The helmet and wristbands will be deployed soon.
  • More Swords: A few new blades are coming soon, including the Sword of Eternity, Sword of Buceag Lake, Blade of Skirtos the Gladiator, Blade of White Wolf, and the Blade of the Hunter Prince.

I’ve tested Chapters 1-3 and everything is holding up well! Quests complete nicely, and no issues were found with the progress so far.

What to Expect in February:

  • Deploy More Equipment: I’ll add more items as rewards and drops from enemies.
  • Additional Equipment: If I feel the stores are lacking, I will create and deploy new gear.
  • Testing: The first week of February will be dedicated to testing. I’ll go over the game multiple times, analyse stats like player vs. enemy balance, loot pricing, and rewards. Please don’t hesitate to press F12 to provide constructive feedback – it’s really appreciated!
  • New Potions: I’ll add Medium Stamina Potions, as well as Large Health Potions and Large Stamina Potions, both restoring double the value of the medium potions and costing double as well.
  • Additional Side Quests: Expect a few more side quests in Chapter 3.
  • Start Working on Chapter 4: I’ll begin working on the final chapter soon.
  • New Trailer Cinematic: If time allows, I’d love to create a new cinematic trailer for the game.

Thank you all so much for your incredible support throughout this journey I am one step closer now to 1.0 with chapter 3 releasing. Your feedback has been invaluable, and I can’t wait to keep improving the game with your help.

See you in February!


Read same update on Steam too! 



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