Rise of the Village Hero - Only on Steam

Hello everyone!

Although 'Rise of the Village Hero' is only on Steam, I still wish to make some devlog posts here from time to time in case anyone wishes to check it out. First of all, I had to make the decision of removing the free demo from itch.io because it was becoming more difficult for me to update it as well as Steam. I am a solo studio, so it was just getting to be too much work for me. I need to figure out a way to have different GitHub repos for future projects and ensure that I can update them simultaneously somehow. It's something I have not figured out yet but will work on in the future for upcoming projects.

At the moment, however, having a Uni dissertation, my business, and the desire to keep updates as regular as possible on Steam makes things difficult. It's just because I feel like I am being split into a thousand different pieces. There are other things as well in the background which I am trying to work on in order for my studio to diversify and hopefully see growth, so yeah, it's a lot. So I can only apologize. It was more a decision of time rather than anything else.

Okay, so let's start with the announcement on Steam. I released a February update which includes some new mechanics, such as the introduction of stamina instead of mana, which makes perfect sense since you are a fighter/rogue class.

I have also started to add a lot more different assets for various swords and weapons. I am really enjoying this, and it's a lot of fun to add more content to my game. Some other small changes include removing the cinematic because I felt that it was already part of the cinematic trailer that people have seen on Steam before making the purchase, so it would make little to no sense to show it again at the beginning of the game. So I will work on a new cinematic which is more representative of the start of the story and shorter.

Of course, once I graduate and finish my degree, the updates will be much bigger, but for now, I have to do what I can. I intend to try and release a couple of smaller patches besides a bigger update each month.

So, this is the post I wanted to make. I will keep you all posted here in the future. If you want to stay up to date, I recommend giving me a follow here. I will, in the near future, post a few more games here, mostly done as Uni stuff, but I will also have some ideas I want to test with you guys for future games and will make sure to post and upload them here first.

Have a great day, and thank you for your support in downloading my games or viewing my page.

If you wish to check out my game on Steam either wishlist it or support it with a purchase feel free to do so here: 

Rise of the Village Hero - On Steam Early Access

Thank you for all your support.


Founder of Ludus Pax Studios

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